Dreaming Our Futures: Ojibwe and Očhéthi Šakówiņ Artists and Knowledge Keepers

Rabbett Before Horses Strickland, Oil on canvas work, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe Ricing, 2022.
A work by Waŋblí Mayášleča painted in watercolor on a stock certificate depicting a rider on a horse and an American flag.
An oil painting by Joe Geshick, titled "The Welcoming."
Work by Bobby Dues Wilson, of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota, titled 'Synthetic by Nature' 2012, acrylic on skateboard decks.
Acrylic on canvas work by Leah H. Yellowbird, of the First Nations Algonquin-Metis, Anishinaabe, titled Waabig Wan (Flower).

On view September 3 through December 20, 2024

Dreaming Our Futures features more than 100 works by 29 Indigenous artists. The exhibition premiered at the Katherine E. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (January 16 – March 16, 2024), and traveled to Rochester Art Center (April 24 – July 21, 2024) before coming to the Tweed Museum of Art.
The exhibition was curated by Brenda J. Child (Red Lake Ojibwe), Northrop Professor of American Studies, University of Minnesota, and Howard Oransky, Director of Katherine E. Nash Gallery, with Christopher Pexa (Bdewákaŋtuŋwaŋ Dakota, Spirit Lake Nation), Associate Professor of English, Harvard University.
A fully illustrated exhibition catalogue with critical essays by several prominent Native American scholars is distributed worldwide by University of Minnesota Press and available for purchase at the museum.
Dreaming Our Futures: Ojibwe and Očhéthi Šakówiņ Artists and Knowledge Keepers is organized by the Katherine E. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota.
(1) Rabbett Before Horses Strickland, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe
Ricing, 2022. Oil on canvas, 60 × 84 in. (152.4 × 213.4 cm) Courtesy of the artist. © Rabbett Before Horses Strickland
(2) Waŋblí Mayášleča (Francis J. Yellow, Jr.), Lakȟóta. Ikicize Nunpa (Two Fighters), 2011. Watercolor and ink on antique stock certificate, 6¾ × 10¼ in. (17.1 × 26 cm) Collection of the Plains Art Museum, Fargo, North Dakota, 2015.002.0080
© Waŋblí Mayášleča (Francis J. Yellow, Jr.)
(3) Joe Geshick, Bois Forte Band of Ojibwe. The Welcoming, 2004. Oil on canvas, 72 × 84 in. (182.9 × 213.4 cm) Collection of the Acreage at Osceola, WI. On loan from Kiran Stordalen Trust
(4) Leah H. Yellowbird, First Nations Algonquin-Metis, Anishinaabe. Waabig Wan (Flower), 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 18 × 48 in. (45.7 × 121.9 cm) Tweed Museum of Art, UMD, Sax Brothers Purchase Fund, D2015.32 © Leah Yellowbird